Superfood Crackers

If you try my crackers once, whenever you have hot oven, you will use this opportunity to make these super-quick and super-healthy crackers. It takes only 5 minutes of your time!


Simple, convenient and delicious by a perfect combination to enhance the health benefits. Also, reveals hidden harmful effect of renowned superfood!

Four Seasons Smoothie

The healthiest smoothie for each season, quick and delicious for a snack, dessert, detox or even cocktail.

Lentil and Hemp Patties

A very well balanced and nutritious snack, breakfast or lunch easy made and packed for the whole working week.

Vegan AliOli.

Once I tried an amazing AliOli in Spain, only in one town and one restaurant. Nowhere else in Spain I could find anything similar by taste and texture. And, it’s been five years of me trying to reproduce it. Well, I couldn’t. But I learnt to make so many mayonnaise variations! I perfected my technique…

Coconut Bliss Balls

A simple recipe for coconut lovers – a great little present, a healthy snack, a guilt-free dessert.

Sour Dough Rye Bread

Sour dough degrades the gluten (about 97%). However, when they use the flour at the end of the process there is no time to ferment, I also let it raise in the fridge overnight for a longer period.

Marinated Zucchini Sliders

When you have a nice steak, grilled fish or BBQ Chicken for dinner, or maybe even high protein Hemp Seed Falafel , then the next day it is not as exciting to warm up the left-overs. I have a solution for you, it is simple and yummy! All you need is a jar and medium-large…

Bunless Burger

If you are convinced of the benefits of the fermented food and practising it or using white cabbage in your cooking, then this will help you make the most of it. When I ferment the cabbage or cook Borsch I usually cut off the top of the cabbage, all those thin leaves. If previously I…

Cabbage Fish Sliders

The idea of Sliders was originated in the USA. The protein ingredient is cooked with onions, and then is put into a roll.  It is like a mini burger only with less ingredients. I made this Slider using cabbage instead of the onion and fish instead of the meat patty. So yummy! Ingredients: Dough: 2…